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This devotion was originally shared in 2020.

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 

— Luke 9:17, New International Version

As we contemplate the journey of Jesus to the cross this Lenten season and prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter, let us reflect on how powerful the act of sharing can be.

In a world that is haunted by conflict, poverty and greed, we could be overwhelmed by the challenges. The feeding of the five thousand is the only miracle story, apart from the Resurrection, recorded in all four Gospels. It’s a favorite Sunday school story, which teaches us so much about trusting in God’s goodness and about the need for us to be His hands and feet to bless others.

Recall that as the crowd swelled all around them, Jesus told the disciples to give the people something to eat.

I can imagine their disbelief. There were just too many people. They didn’t have anything to offer, and yet, when they trusted Jesus, not only were the people fed and satisfied, there was more than enough food left over. God will shatter our small expectations if we will only bring what we have. Little is much when God is in it. When we offer our lives sacrificially, God will use us in extraordinary ways.

It is indeed extraordinary that 29 million people worldwide now have better lives, thanks to Habitat’s ministry and thousands of small acts of faith.

I have had the privilege to spend International Women’s Day in Delhi for the past few years. Standing with women who have been economically and socially marginalized for generations is a humbling experience. There is so much need.

A few years ago, I met Ruby and her delightful family. In fact, I helped knock down their home because it had been built without a proper foundation — a stark reminder of the vulnerability of the poor. Yet Ruby was resilient and determined to build a better future. And she was happy to share all that she had.

Like the disciples in the Bible story, Ruby would say she had nothing to give. However, she gave us so much — a warm welcome, a willingness to share her life, and lovingly prepared chai tea every morning. I saw Ruby again last year and was thrilled to see that her family was thriving. I was able to buy some soap from the small shop they have opened on the ground floor of their home, which they had already extended upward.

Our mission statement — “Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope” — speaks to the power promised to each of us when we fulfill God’s call on our lives.

As we look toward the cross and the Resurrection, we can be confident. The need is too big for us alone, but we are not alone. We follow Jesus, and we follow not as people who have it all sorted, but as people who trust in God’s mercy, grace and power.

Jenny Williams is the chief executive officer of Habitat for Humanity Ireland. She is based in Lisburn, Ireland.

Read our 2025 Lent Devotions here

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