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This devotion was originally shared in 2014, and is presented in its original format.

In 1173, work began on a freestanding bell tower in the city of Pisa, Italy. After the second story was completed, builders realized that the tower’s foundation, at only 3 meters deep, was not adequate and was built on weak, unstable subsoil, causing the tower to lean to one side. Construction was halted in 1178 to allow the soil to settle beneath the structure and was not resumed until 1272, almost a century later.

During construction, many techniques were used to try to correct and compensate for the tilt, but nothing worked. 

The builders were so intent and focused on getting the building up that they did not spend the time and resources to go down and build a solid foundation.

In the familiar parable found in Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus gave clear instructions about constructing a proper foundation. 

Perhaps it is too late to create adequate support for the bell tower in Pisa, but we can always practice disciplines that draw us closer to God and deepen and strengthen our foundations of faith. Lent is the perfect occasion to focus on prayer, Bible study, selflessness and service, and to reflect on the ministry of Habitat for Humanity. 

As an organization, are we digging deep enough for a firm foundation? We cannot merely set our sights on a grand strategic plan; we must also dig deep, both as an organization and as individuals. We must dig deep in our own Habitat spaces.

  • Digging deep requires us to go beyond pretense and appearance to authenticity. We must live out our faith.

  • Digging deep requires us to go beyond our level of comfort and dive into something more meaningful.

  • Digging deep requires us to go beyond ourselves and to serve God first.

Our diligence now in drawing closer to God and drawing strength from His mighty power will keep us strong when the rains come, the streams rise and the winds blow. Building a firm foundation will enable us to reach higher and stretch further as we seek to obey God’s commands.

Natosha Reid Rice is vice president, Global Housing Opportunities and Mission Engagement, at Habitat for Humanity International. She is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Read our 2025 Lent Devotions here

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