We passionately believe in the power of young people to shape our future. Our creative and interactive programmes engage children and young people in our mission; providing an opportunity to serve and grow into active citizens who can make a real difference in our own community and around the world.
Throughout the programme, pupils will participate in 2 workshops, a day volunteering onsite and complete a fundraising challenge.
Within the workshops we aim to use experiential learning to help the pupils explores key issues that affect the local and global community such as:
Each school is challenged with raising £1250, bringing the aim for the programme to £2500- the cost of completing a house for a family in Malawi.
The fundraising gives the pupils a chance to develop their entrepreneurial skills while also having a chance to help change a families' life forever.
During the site day the young people come together to work on a local Habitat project. The manual work can range from building to refurbishment.
The students work together in a practical setting and challenge stereotypes, while at the same time having the opportunity to make a positive impact on the local community.
Read what past participants say their experiences of the 'Change Makers' programme has taught them:
"Even students like us can make a big change”
“How I can be an effective advocate and use my voice meaningfully”
"Never take my privileges for granted and do my best to help those who are less fortunate than myself”
For information on how your school can get involved with Habitat click here or contact us:
Call: 028 92 635 635
Email: info@habitatni.co.uk