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Key Contacts

For breaking news or specific enquiries, members of the media may contact:

Find information on all current vacancies in Habitat Ireland below:

Donation Collection Driver/Supervisor (Lisnagelvin)

Salary: Starting Salary £29,093 (NJC Scale pts.15-17) | Location: Lisnagelvin | Type: 35 hours per week, Permanent contract

Working with volunteers the Donation Collection Driver will be responsible for the collection of donated materials, safely packing in the ReStore truck, returning to ReStore and unpacking. They will also deputise for the ReStore Manager to ensure excellent customer service in ReStore.

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ReStore Manager (Lisnagelvin)

Salary: £36,124 - £37,938 (NJC Scale SO2 (26-28)) | Location: Lisnagelvin | Type: 35 hours per week, Permanent contract

The Store Manager will be responsible for the operation of ReStore Lisnagelvin, working hands on, making decisions and ensuring the store delivers both sustainable income and impact for local people, the wider community and the planet.

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ReStore Volunteer Coordinator (Lisnagelvin)

Salary: Starting Salary £33,366 pro rata NJC SO1 (23-25) | Location: Lisnagelvin | Type: 21 hours per week, Part-time, Permanent contract

The volunteer coordinator will provide intentional and meaningful volunteering opportunities for people of ages and backgrounds in ReStore. The individual will also deliver accredited Open College Network (OCN) Training which seek to strengthen skills and build capacity, including for those who would be considered ‘hard to reach’.

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Key Contacts

For breaking news or specific enquiries, members of the media may contact:

Media Info Pack

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